Search results

  1. Cleverviolet

    Success at Work

    This website has been so helpful to me in navigating challenges at work. It's an advice column, but it's all about stuff going on in a workplace. Reading about what others go through and hearing the advice has been so meaningful for me in how I look at conflict in...
  2. Cleverviolet

    Article about Buddhism, meditation

    I found this article very interesting. (Though the title is kind of click bait.) One of the points is about how meditation is helpful in developing cognitive empathy (not just emotional empathy), which is the ability to see things from other people's perspective. I know I personally can get set...
  3. Cleverviolet

    Waking up to Meditation

    I was reading this article on LifeHacker and wanted to share: It's about an app that helps you fall asleep to a meditation soundtrack, but the innovative part is that it wakes you up with one, too. Has...
  4. Cleverviolet

    Goals and Mental Illness

    It’s been very challenging to stick to my own goals while also balancing a bout of depression that makes me want to lay in bed all day. So I like having this forum as a way to share my goals and find more motivation to keep up with them! This week I want to: -attend at least 3 yoga classes...
  5. Cleverviolet

    Help, Advice, and Connection

    Hi all! I’m here for three reasons: help, advice, and connections. The first two are closely related. I’d love help and advice on areas in my life in which I struggle. Motivation. Mindfulness. Forming good habits. I also want to help others with their goals. There’s so much information out...
