Perfect practice makes perfect performance but what tools are useful for all the mental aspects of competition? What hacks do you have for the most efficient practice techniques?
Self-hypnosis talk for self-improvement of skills and mindset or overcoming fears and hurdles. Do you have a script or technique to share or get feedback on?
Learn how to remembers everyone's name and join the beta testers team before the app goes on sale. iPhone available now. Android available in mid-September. Sign-up:
For Brendon Burchard Experts Academy, High Performance Academy, World’s Greatest Speaker, and High Performance Coaching students to discuss ideas, ask questions, set goals, and share successes.
Tell us about a book that you have grown from the most. Are there any books teaching career, business, talent, or other self-development skills you found really helpful?
Phil resides in Texas.
Strengths: Specialized in APA Style, essay writing, MS Excel, Statistics, Photoshop, etc.
Education: Bachelor's Business Management. /Associate: Business Admin: Online
Add nap rooms to universities so college kids don't have to sleep beneath the stairs of the basement, in the lawn, or a library bench, not just for preschoolers with too much energy that caretakers don't want to deal with. That is all.