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Menthal Health


New member
Hello everyone,
I'm a new member here(I just signed up a few minutes ago).
I think that mental health is just as important as physical health. Some people think that to have a healthy mind I must first take tests to measure my IQ. I think it is not necessary, precisely in this forum, I am interested in finding methods to improve cognitive abilities.
Does anyone have information on a website where I can measure my skills?
Please comment below!


New member
Hello, official-iqtes.org is a website that allows you to know your cognitive abilities.
When I understood my IQ, I was able to identify areas for personal growth and skill development.
I hope it is useful to you.


New member
Thanks for sharing the website official-iqtest.org! Understanding your IQ can indeed provide valuable insights into your cognitive abilities and areas for personal growth. It's great that you found it helpful for your own development.


New member
It's great to hear that you value mental health as much as physical health. Improving cognitive abilities is a fantastic goal, and there are many methods and resources available to help.
If you're looking for a website to measure your skills, you might find it helpful to check out MentalHealth.com. While it may not specifically offer IQ tests, it provides valuable information and resources related to mental health that could support your overall well-being.
Remember, improving cognitive abilities is a journey, and there are many paths to explore. Feel free to ask for more suggestions or share your experiences with others in the forum!
