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Habit building


New member
Hello! I would love to hear from some of you guys on tips for building new habits. I know it takes a certain amount of days to actually form a habit, but what are some other helpful tips for making something stick/finding motivation to actually make the new behavior a pattern?


New member
Have you ever tried bullet journaling? I find creating a habit tracker in a bullet journal is very helpful. If you are unfamiliar with bullet journaling try a quick online image search! They are cool and helpful with accomplishing tasks.


New member
It also might be helpful to start with something very small. Whatever you think that you can do, make it smaller than that, so that it is easier to stick to, and then build on it. The small wins build up your self- esteem and then you can go further.


New member
A really simple thing, planning ahead with a calendar and setting notifications has really helped me adjust to a regular work out schedule. Setting notifications on an app, Smartwatch/Fitbit helps to remind you and make you feel accountable.
