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What Truly Matters


New member
This comes from part of a larger body, written by Rumi:
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there."

It's always resonated with me, deeply, likely stemming from early experiences of not ever being seen for who I am. It holds power for me in numerous ways. When I think of the ways in which we align ourselves by beliefs, which cause fracturing in our cultures, for instance: This quote. When we struggle with shame: This quote. When what is required is for love to trump everything else: This quote.

Second, and similar quote that's made a huge difference in winnowing down the muck to find what my core belief actually is: ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ om mani padme hum.

It is a reminder of who I am, you are, we are, all in the Divine. Great compassion can't help but begin to flow.


New member
Hi! I think I have heard this quote in a television show or film and it is very powerful. My interpretation of it is that we are all on the same level despite our social constructs and judgments of ourselves and others and that when we look past them we can truly make peace with the world.
