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The First Step is Always a Plan


New member
We all are seeking success, and it's always achievable. The first step is often the hardest though. Before you can achieve success, you have to make a plan to achieve your goal. Goals often feel distant even aloof on the surface. Whether you're trying something as big as starting your own business or as small but important as learning a new skill, it takes planning to get there.

For me, the most difficult part of finding success was first to visualize all the steps I would need to take to get there then writing them down before admitting how much help I would need to accomplish each step along the way. We live in a connected world now where information is right at your fingertips at all times through the internet, so there's always a way to learn what you need. You just need to figure out what you need to learn to achieve your goals.

Have you tried planning out your goals for the future? Has it been an easy or difficult process? Perhaps we can all help each other take the first step to that success.

Lei Mercado

New member
We all are seeking success, and it's always achievable. The first step is often the hardest though. Before you can achieve success, you have to make a plan to achieve your goal. Goals often feel distant even aloof on the surface. Whether you're trying something as big as starting your own business or as small but important as learning a new skill, it takes planning to get there.

For me, the most difficult part of finding success was first to visualize all the steps I would need to take to get there then writing them down before admitting how much help I would need to accomplish each step along the way. We live in a connected world now where information is right at your fingertips at all times through the internet, so there's always a way to learn what you need. You just need to figure out what you need to learn to achieve your goals.

Have you tried planning out your goals for the future? Has it been an easy or difficult process? Perhaps we can all help each other take the first step to that success.
Hello InvestedWriter! Thanks for sharing this. Just like you, I am also the plan-it-ahead type of person. Though it takes some time sit down and think it through, it generally saves time as you can efficiently do tasks when you focus your mind on the goals you've written. But sometimes, I need to work on how I can adapt when my plans get out of hands. I'm still learning how to be flexible and patient, and I know it's all part of the process :)


New member
I prefer to know exactly how to go about a thing before I start. That applies to almost everything in my life. I've realized (again!) recently, though, that often it's simply not possible to fully plan things ahead of time, and especially if you've never done anything similar in the past, to draw from.

I'm beginning and growing a Coaching practice, for instance. And, though I've worked my whole life, just about, freelance writing/authoring/editing, this business is a completely new ball of wax. I'm having to step out of my comfort zone constantly and experiencing some things in growing this business for the first time in my life. It's SO scary, at times, and really challenges me in ways I'd not expected when I began this journey.

That's actually good for me, and though having an outline in front of me definitely helps keep my focus on where I want to go, it's been tossed numerous times as I actually DO the work.

As with everything, it basically comes down to balance, doesn't it? For me that's proving the best approach: Be willing to take some risks; to step out of what feels safe, as well as do your homework, cross your T's and dot your I's, as it were, I am finding.


We all are seeking success, and it's always achievable. The first step is often the hardest though. Before you can achieve success, you have to make a plan to achieve your goal. Goals often feel distant even aloof on the surface. Whether you're trying something as big as starting your own business or as small but important as learning a new skill, it takes planning to get there.

For me, the most difficult part of finding success was first to visualize all the steps I would need to take to get there then writing them down before admitting how much help I would need to accomplish each step along the way. We live in a connected world now where information is right at your fingertips at all times through the internet, so there's always a way to learn what you need. You just need to figure out what you need to learn to achieve your goals.

Have you tried planning out your goals for the future? Has it been an easy or difficult process? Perhaps we can all help each other take the first step to that success.


New member
We all are seeking success, and it's always achievable. The first step is often the hardest though. Before you can achieve success, you have to make a plan to achieve your goal. Goals often feel distant even aloof on the surface. Whether you're trying something as big as starting your own business or as small but important as learning a new skill, it takes planning to get there.

For me, the most difficult part of finding success was first to visualize all the steps I would need to take to get there then writing them down before admitting how much help I would need to accomplish each step along the way. We live in a connected world now where information is right at your fingertips at all times through the internet, so there's always a way to learn what you need. You just need to figure out what you need to learn to achieve your goals.

Have you tried planning out your goals for the future? Has it been an easy or difficult process? Perhaps we can all help each other take the first step to that success.
I spend countless hours of my day trying to plan out my future, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because my future plans change on a daily basis. Furthermore, it seems like an easy process to just plan, but then you have to worry about the steps needed in order to achieve those goals for the future. It's always a never ending circle that leads you back to square one.


This is a bit of the old thought of whether or not you have control over your own destiny. In a way, you look at it as whether or not God would help you if you just sat around waiting for opportunity to come to you. You need to plan but plans always are led astray. How many of you can actually say you recall a day where everything went according to plan? Ask any bride!


New member
Great thoughts on planning you guys! I do think a plan can be helpful, especially to get you going. So long as you are prepared to be flexible and change the plan accordingly, it may help keep you focused.


New member
I love this quote here: "The difference between a goal and a dream is a date.”

I believe it saying that some type of planning needs to take place for a vision to become a reality. Not only should one set goals and dates, but one needs to be actively completing those goals. Of course, things don’t always go as planned, but we should never expect them to. We should assume that something like, starting up a business, is going to be a learning process. I think the rule of thumb is to have fun with it. On your way to success, know that turbulence will come – but still enjoy the ride!


I'm a planner no doubt when it comes to bills and scheduling appointments and play dates but I find it hard to plan for my goals. Sometimes you just have to take a leap and say whatever to plans but I know other times that a plan is the only way to reach something larger
