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Spiritual encounters

Since I lost my grandmother several years ago, I believe she is with me. I have experiences that are very real for me. How do your loved ones let you know they are with you? Have you had any unusual happenings or changes in your lives?


New member
For me it's mainly in the form of dreams. I've had beloved pets (yes I believe they go to heaven as well) and family members pass and when I'm really hurting or missing them I will dream about them. While some play this off as my brain trying to right my grief stricken emotions I truly believe it is them coming to visit. The dreams are so vivid and the sense of peace and love I feel helps me more than words can say.
Dreams are said to be a great way for them to reach us because we are unfiltered.

Anyone experience electrical devices behaving strangely?
What about gut feelings that prove true?
