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More charges are possible for breach of the Capitol


Law enforcement authorities are considering prosecutions for alleged participants in the Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol that go beyond such crimes as unlawful entry, theft and destruction of property, striking an officer, and homicide [“Jan. 6 defendant faces rare weapons charge,” Metro, June 18]. An insurrection, after all, could lead to the overthrow of the government. One would think that there are laws making it a crime to advocate or participate in that activity. And there are such laws.

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Title 18 of the U.S. Code is about federal crimes. Chapter 115 of Title 18 is about the crimes of treason, sedition and subversive activities. For example, whoever assists or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the United States or gives aid or comfort for that purpose is subject to 10 years imprisonment. If two or more people conspire to overthrow the government, or hinder the execution of any law, they are subject to 20 years of imprisonment. Advocating the overthrow of the government can also be punished by 20 years imprisonment. The list of related crimes and their punishments goes on.

I expect more public discussion of the crimes associated with the insurrection soon.

Richard F. Kaufman, Rockville

The writer, a former congressional aide, was general counsel of the Joint
Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress.
