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Finding Inspiration


New member
A few years ago, I used to draw/paint/etc. all the time, but not so much anymore. I was wondering how everyone finds inspiration for their projects, whether that be create or something else?


New member
Hi! I love Pinterest and Tumblr for inspiration, because there are a variety of things you can find on there. I also recommend not looking online and take a step outside, go for a walk, sit in silence and just see what is within you. Sometimes just creating is what you need to lead you to inspiration or feeling confident in your creation.


New member
I like to read and look at things for inspiration, I also sit alone and will listen to calming music to help me think better. Also, sometimes jotting down different ideas helps as well. Sometimes, I might just stare off into space and think about the project that I have going on and what I can do to make it better, or if there is something in addition that I need to do. This helps me draw inspiration for my projects and story writing.
