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Failures and the Will to Win

Lei Mercado

New member
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that you've hit rock bottom for trying your very best and yet finding yourself failing, because, as the song goes, your best is not good enough? Well I have, and I'm sure there's a number of you out there who can relate. When we make goals for ourselves, failing is a natural part of it. Some failures allow us to easily get back on our feet. But sometimes, set-backs can be just too demoralizing to a point when you start doubting yourself, and even worse, you consider quitting.When I experience unpleasant events in my life, I just tell myself that things happen to teach me and make me a better version of myself for the accomplishment of my dreams. But you are not alone, friend. Be of good cheer. It may be dark now, but it'll soon be brighter. Ask help if you need to. Rest if you must. But always keep holding on to the tinie-tiny will to win over adversities. Soon enough, you'll be able to look back and say, "Ah, I did it again!"


New member
I have been to a point where everything in my personal and professional life had completely crashed. My job, my relationship, my friendships - everything. It completely shattered my self-image. But hitting rock bottom taught me some very important lessons. It showed me who my real friends were. It opened my eyes to my flawed decision-making. And I have to say I am much wiser for such failures. So I rank failure very highly, it is definitely a much better teacher than success. If you decide to learn from failure and to make it count, you will see far greater success in your future.


New member
It may be dark now, but it'll soon be brighter. "
This reminds me of the Persian well-known adage 'This too, shall pass'. We may sometimes feel like we've failed so badly, and we are so demotivated that we fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Better days to come!
