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Defining success as a young adult


New member
As a young working adult in today’s world, I often find myself struggling with what it means to be truly “successful.” I am employed, full time and part time- I live independently, support myself, maintain a healthy social life, take care of my body physically and mentally, but sometimes I wonder if things should be different. One of the questions I often find myself asking is financial; is it better to save, save, save, and limit extracurricular things I spend money on? Or is it better to do the things I enjoy and not put as much away for the future? (For context, I do follow a budget, and that includes adding to my savings) I have friends that never spend money on activities or trying new things, which feels strange to me. I understand the importance of saving and financial security, but at the same time, I feel that living your life to the fullest and taking in as much as you can while you’re here is more important. Does anyone have thoughts on this?


New member
I think you need to find the happy medium. Yes, life is too short and you need to enjoy it, but you also need to think about your future.
I say that mostly because I look at my in-laws. They are in their 60's and in poor health, but can't retire any time soon because they did not save enough money. While I am in good health (and nowhere near retirement age) you just never know where the road will travel.
I've been listening to a really interesting podcast recently, called "Choose FI." FI = financial independence. They are all about saving money, but also suggest various "hacks" to still have fun. I recommend checking it out if you are thinking about money things.
Choose FI
