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  1. J

    Becoming an open-minded person

    Hello! My name is Jon, and I am on a journey to become as open-minded as I possibly can! I have found that not only does this allow me to live a more exciting life, but has really helped me grow as a person. Being open to new things has brought so many amazing opportunities for me. In fact, I...
  2. J

    Memorization Technique - Method of loci (Memory Palace)

    Hello, I have always had an interest in memory since I was in high school. In fact, whenever I had the option to select the topic of a project, I typically picked something revolving around memory. So I am glad to be able to discuss this topic! One of the coolest things I came across while...
  3. J

    The World of Esports (Competitive Video Gaming)

    Hello, I wanted to bring up a topic that maybe not everyone has heard about yet, Esports. Esports are essentially competitive video games. This has recently boomed to a massive industry in the last 10-20 years. If you haven't heard of it yet, I am sure you will soon. The basic structure of an...
  4. J

    "In order to help the world, you must first understand its people."

    This is an anonymous quote I came across several years ago. Only recently have I started to understand its hidden meaning. It could be related to "live a day in someone else's shoes", but I think it can be interpreted differently. While the quote is written in a "positive" tone, the side I find...
