Search results

  1. Decantrix

    What Truly Matters

    This comes from part of a larger body, written by Rumi: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." It's always resonated with me, deeply, likely stemming from early experiences of not ever being seen for who I am. It holds power for me in numerous...
  2. Decantrix

    Deconstructing Dissonance through Life Coaching

    I was born in the Southern US, but raised in SE Asia. My father was both a missionary, as well as an Academic. Though originally from the US, because I didn't grow up in the culture here, my reintroduction, at 18 after high school, was filled with multiple traumas, as I navigated this transition...
  3. Decantrix

    Hello to all you fellow personal growth advocates

    So nice to have found this landing spot on my current journey. I've recently gone through certification as a Life Coach. Scary step, but I love the feel of this space, here. I'll do my best to answer questions, if I can, and I know I'll be posing many, myself. Part of this work is really more...
