Search results

  1. InvestedWriter

    How to get out of a work rut

    Start by narrowing your focus. You have goals that you want to achieve, but sometimes you have to take them one step at a time. Think about just one manageable step you can take to get closer to one of those goals and take it. Do it again for that goal or another goal, just make sure you're...
  2. InvestedWriter

    Trust Yourself and Success Will Come

    When I started in college, I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, but I took a chance and applied for a role to write for an online publication for free. I got the position, and I started writing for the site at an unmanageable rate without any clear benefits. I realized after about a...
  3. InvestedWriter

    Deep Meditation

    It took me a long time to understand just how important it can be to take time to stop and reflect. When I was young, I just wanted to get through school days so that I could play games and hang out with friends as long as possible. As I grow older, my focus has increasingly become driven by the...
  4. InvestedWriter


    I have gone through some dark times recently, questioning the direction I've chosen to take and the decisions I have made along the way, and it always helps to focus on those things you're grateful for to escape that confusion and frustration. Friends and family are a big reason I can push...
  5. InvestedWriter

    I'm Always Seeking More Knowledge

    When I first bought a personal laptop, I was immediately overwhelmed by just how much information I had at my fingertips. I didn't know what to focus on, so I ended up wasting hours and days just endlessly searching. Over time though, I have gotten much better at managing the chaos. It has led...
  6. InvestedWriter

    Finding Happiness in Social Media

    Social media has been a big help to me in combating my own social anxiety, but it took time to manage the platform so that I could focus on communicating with those with engaging and memorable voices. The internet insulates us from the real world, and some use that for negative purposes. You...
  7. InvestedWriter

    "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou

    We are all creative. Our minds are unique with different visions and ideas that make each person's perspective its own font of creativity, but it is those who use that creativity and mold it that are seen as creative. This is an important idea for me as a writer because it's a consistent...
  8. InvestedWriter

    The Importance of Creating a Schedule

    No problem. Everyone has their own way of handling time and commitments, and it's important we all find that avenue for ourselves. If I could help in that at all, I will be happy. Hopefully you see the results for yourself soon enough. If you do or you need more advice on this, let me know. I'd...
  9. InvestedWriter

    Best free language learning apps

    Duolingo is great. So far, it's the best option I have found. I never really got into learning new languages in school, taking my Spanish classes too easy, and I regretted that for a long time. I recently wanted to get back into learning the language, and that app has been a huge help, taking...
  10. InvestedWriter

    Your background does not determine your future

    This is an important lesson for everyone to learn growing up even those who are born into a position of privilege. I know I had it good growing up in a comfortable middle class family, and I often took that for granted. I let too much time pass without taking action, and I often feel like I...
  11. InvestedWriter

    The First Step is Always a Plan

    We all are seeking success, and it's always achievable. The first step is often the hardest though. Before you can achieve success, you have to make a plan to achieve your goal. Goals often feel distant even aloof on the surface. Whether you're trying something as big as starting your own...
  12. InvestedWriter

    The Importance of Creating a Schedule

    Thank you. The importance of scheduling to me is finding time for the things you want to accomplish, so, when you commit to the schedule, you will see the tangible results. With my writing, I could see how quickly the page numbers were increasing. With exercise, I could measure the weight loss...
  13. InvestedWriter

    The Importance of Creating a Schedule

    A few years ago, I was feeling overwhelmed. I wanted to become a successful writer, find a stable job, and create time for myself and my friends. I had spent so long organized by the routine of school that I didn't know what to do with myself once I was setting my own timetable. I took advice...
