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Fear of Success


This is the first time in my life I feel like I am actually doing things the right way, and might make something of what I am doing. I might actually have a real career at 36.... At least make enough to support myself completely.

And I am freaking out. I'm scared, I'm anxious and I don't know what to do with myself. I know how to handle fear of failure. But how do you handle fear of success?


New member
It would be easy right now to say I wish I had your problem, but I think I also suffer from fear of success also. i think many people do. The problem is that once you do something right, you feel like everyone is now going to expect you to keep it up, and if you can't, the failure feels twice as bad. The sophomore attempt is always harder. Know that nothing is perfect, and failure will still happen, but you have evidence you can succeed. Don't let your mind talking stop you, sometimes it's best to ignore it.

Chris Jeff

New member
Some people fear failure, or what will happen if they don’t reach their goals. Others fear success. They are afraid of what might happen, what might change, or how others might feel if they achieve their goals. If you are afraid of success you may want to know how you can stop being your own biggest obstacle. You don’t have to let your fear hold you back from achieving your potential and reaching your goals. You can overcome a fear of success. You can start by questioning your fear and improving your self-confidence. You have to understand what success means to you, take some time to think about specific ways in which your fear of success is limiting your potential and your future success, you can a short statement declaring that you aren’t going to let fear stop you from succeeding and reaching your goals any more is a concrete way to overcome your fear. Making a list of your strengths, skills, and talents can help you overcome feelings that you don’t deserve success or can’t achieve it. Overcome your fear of success by maintaining a positive, encouraging, and confident opinion of yourself.
You can boost your self-confidence and begin to overcome the fear of success if you congratulate yourself and celebrate your achievements. Practice getting comfortable with success by telling someone about your achievement, however small. Acknowledge small achievements and any time you make an effort to succeed. This will help you become more comfortable with reaching your goals and realize that you have nothing to fear from success.


Hey Sandra, I think I may have the perfect video response for you:

Chris speaks exactly about his "Fear of success"
I hope you will relate to this video as I did, it should help you a lot!

Best of luck!


Hey Sandra, I think I may have the perfect video response for you:

Chris speaks exactly about his "Fear of success"
I hope you will relate to this video as I did, it should help you a lot!

Best of luck!
Thank you so much!!!!! This is amazing!!!!!!!

I mean, besides the fact that he is hot, and I love his voice and I could just listen to him forever... he actually makes a lot of sense and I like the way he handles his anxiety. No analyzing, just... sssshhhht.


I can relate!
Sometimes I freak out too... I think for myself "can this really happen? can I really achieve my dream???"... I don't know where this fear comes from. What helps me is a thought that we are here on this Earth to be happy, we are meant to succeed. If I want something, I deserve it!
Sometimes I guess I think that I don't deserve all the happiness that I have (as strange as it may sound) and I freak out...
