Recent content by lpvander

  1. L

    "The Future is Female"

    I understand as it's more of a slogan than a quote (i.e. it's more of a condensed statement that doesn't flesh out everything it means) that men might perceive it as "ownership." But I don't think we as women see it the same way. It's a way to say that the future will have more women...
  2. L

    Travel Wellbeing

    Pre-planning or even over-planning are both ESSENTIAL to travelling: book a car (ahead of time) to take you from the airport to where you need to go, pack as much hygiene products as you need for double the time, make a local grocery store the very first stop if you're staying a long time (get...
  3. L

    Having trouble reading for pleasure...

    I think a good idea would be to step outside yourself. Maybe joining a book club that can reignite the joy that can come from reading a good book, especially if the group is lively. Reading a certain number of pages/chapters by a certain time might encourage you to read beyond that, read other...
  4. L

    Celebrating the Small Things

    I read this on Twitter once, "Before I was a pro, I kept a jar. Every time I got told 'no' about my writing, I wrote it down on a piece of paper and I put the 'no' in my jar. When I got my first 'yes' I counted the papers in the jar. I had 134 'no's.' So that was the price I paid for my 'yes.'...
  5. L

    Getting Motivated to Work Out

    I found that digital media has a lot of opportunity to remind us not to be lazy/procrastinate. I have this (severe) problem as well. Here are a few apps I use and set them to remind me at certain times: 1. Headspace - a meditation app with dozens of options to practice mindfulness (a key aspect...
  6. L

    35 Tips for Students to Succeed in Corporate America

    Don't be discouraged by the "corporate" title because this was actually required reading in one of my college English courses. Contrary to popular belief, even liberal arts studies need to navigate a capitalist society. It's a short book, but packed full of useful advice that I still use to this...
  7. L

    Harry Potter quotes

    "Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me, reminds us, while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that. Cedric...
  8. L

    You're Not Scared, You're Embarrassed

    This is just one of a ton of videos on Brendan Burchard's youtube channel, but it resonates so profoundly with me. Embarrassment is the one thing always holding me back. It's coupled with an immense feeling of self-doubt. I never believe my skill set is better than anybody else's. I'm often too...
  9. L

    3-weeks Cigarette Free

    Definitely, congratulations! I was a smoker for the last 4 years of life, before I was able to quit (also cold turkey) back in February. After that first month or so, it absolutely becomes a lot easier to not automatically want to go buy a pack. You gradually lose that reactionary/crutch...
  10. L

    In Search of Some Advice

    I actually went through a very similar situation after I graduated from college! I couldn't find or wasn't offered the kinds of jobs I really wanted! My advice to you is what my teachers, friends, and family said to me around the same time, although I was either not able or not willing to follow...
  11. L

    Vegetarian to Vegan

    After watching a lot of different documentaries (Cowspiracy, Forks Over Knives), I was inspired to make a veganism lifestyle change. I started around April. However, I've noticed that I haven't been able to achieve 100% veganism. I can't seem to give up cheese (pizza, more specifically) just...
  12. L

    Narcissism- partners

    Narcissism is something I've had to deal with an employer of mine for the last three years. Before this person, I had thought like many people that a narcissist was someone who is just selfish/self-absorbed. But it goes so way beyond that. Due to the personal nature of my job, I've had to be...
  13. L

    Dealing with political differences

    It's a common saying to never bring up religion, sex, or politics up at the dinner table. Because it just leads to an argument. Undoubtedly, these are incredibly touchy subjects, as everyone has their own unique relationship to it. But they also incite arguments because of morals and principles...
  14. L

    Commencement Speeches

    Arguably, some of the most inspirational speeches in the world come from commencement speeches at graduations. Leaders and heroes come to schools on the day that students are most eager and emotional for, and those leaders offer their own words of wisdom and encouragement. The most...
  15. L

    "The Future is Female"

    I first saw this quote "The future is female," emblazoned across the chest of Janelle Monae's t-shirt at the Women's March. It's something that inspires me on a daily basis, but I'm wondering what others think or feel when they read it? What does that kind of future look like/mean to you? But...
